martes, 27 de diciembre de 2016


Now it is time to watch this amazing video about mammals!!!


Reptiles and amphibians

Reptiles and amphibians


Watch the following video in order to get a deeper knowledge!!

 Click on the five different groups of vertebrate animals:

Once you have studied all the these vertebrate animals, play this interactive game!!


In this topic we are going to learn how to classify the different animals.

Click on the following pictures to learn about them.

lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016

The Solar System

Watch this video to learn the different planets of our Solar System.

Visit this website in order to know many awesome things about the Solar System.

Here you have some mindmaps that will help to get a deeper learning!!!

However from 2006 the Solar System is formed by 8 planets!! Take a look and find what is missing!!

Do not forget to play some interactive games to lean the Solar System!!!

To finish, we have a video with a quizz, enjoy it!!!

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Earth movements

Watch the following videos to understand all the information above!!!

The Earth

The Earth

Hi kids, in this topic we are going to learn very cool things related to the Earth such as, its movements and the layers that is formed.

Click on the pictures below to learn about them!!!

The Solar System

Earth´s layers

Watch the following video!!!!